PA - Closed Loop Control in Process Automation (CLC 241)

Course Details Duration 4 days/32 hours Prerequisite Completion of PLC 233 Category Process Automation ​ Language English

PA - PLC Programming Higher Functions (PLC 233)

Course Details Duration 4 days/32 hours Prerequisite Completion of PLC 131 and/or PLC 232 Category Process Automation ​ Language English

FA - Commissioning and Trouble Shooting ( ICT 211)

Course Details Duration 4 days/32 hours Prerequisite Complete EPB 121 and/or basic know-how in Electro-Pneumatics and PLC Category Factory Automation ​ Language English

FA - Introduction to Automation and Mechatronics (INT 201)

Course Details Duration 4 days/32 hours Prerequisite No prerequisites required. Category Factory Automation ​ Language English